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Robin Eid

Climate Change, Disability Rights, Hunger/Food insecurity, Refugee Crisis and Immigration, Privacy and Surveillance, Aging, Gender violence , Human Rights
Educational materials, Impact Producing, Consulting, Impact Strategist/Advisor, Campaign Implementation, Crafting Classroom Materials
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Robin F. Eid is a multi award winning writer, producer, director. As he worked with the largest TV networks and media groups in the MENA region (mbc group, DMI, ADMC, Rotana…), he developed and produced many award winning (California, Dubai, Beirut) campaigns as creative producer, and collaborated with major multinational advertising and PR agencies (JWT, FP7, Grey WW, Havas Group…). As the founder, creative director and managing director at Fruitree Revolution - "Guerrilla Creative Force" (Remote Branding Agency and Production hub since 2013), he focused on guerrilla marketing and alternative campaigning techniques. He is also a part time university instructor and brand consultant coach at ESA business school, as well as workshop developer and trainer for syrian women refugees, unprivileged children, and children with special needs. He is a multitasker whose goal is to work on meaningful projects, projects with a human dimension. His lenience towards social impact shows in his continuous collaborations as a consultant on different projects for NGOs and INGOs such as ABAAD organization, UfS (AUB university for Seniors), HelpAge International, ILO, UNDP, UNHCR, and Amaar Foundation... With 20 years of experience, he is first and foremost a storyteller, who just reverted back to his initial passion: Film.