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Nicolas van Hemelryck Rodriguez

Belgium, Colombia
English, French, Portuguese, Spanish
Climate Change, Disability Rights, LGBTQIA+, Child Welfare, Education, Racial Injustice, Gun Violence, Hunger/Food insecurity, Mass Incarceration & Criminal Justice Reform, Refugee Crisis and Immigration, Economic Injustice, Privacy and Surveillance, Technology & Data, Labor issues, Voting Rights, Women and Girls, Aging, Animal Welfare, Gender violence , Human Rights
Impact Producing, Consulting, Impact Strategist/Advisor, Designing impact guides, Mentorship
Cultural/racial identity:
Self identification:
Male, father, friend


Nicolas van Hemelryck Rodriguez is a multi-awarded filmmaker with a background as a photographer and an architect (Magna Cum Laude). His work explores storytelling as the basis of collective ‘meaning-making’ and thus, of our behavior and relationship with everything around us. 

His latest film ALIS (2022, codirector and producer) has won 26 international awards including Berlinale’s Crystal Bear and Teddy Award. His debut AMAZONA (codirector and producer) premiered at IDFA and was nominated as Best Ibero-American Film at the Goya Awards. As a cinematographer he was nominated for Best Cinematography at the Fenix Awards. As a photographer his work has been exhibited in America, Europe and Asia. 

Nicolas co-founded Casatarantula production company and DOCCO Distribution and Promotion Agency. He has co-produced with Romania, Chile, France, USA, Scotland, and Brazil and his work has been supported by institutions like Ibermedia, Sundance, Catapult, the IDFA Bertha Fund, Chicken & Egg, Tribeca, Proimagenes, the Romanian Film Center and Señal Colombia. 

Nicolas has been a film advisor and professor at EICTV (Cuba) and in various national film schools, and has been a jury member for film competitions. Nicolas has been selected for EAVE Producers Workshop, La Fabrique Cinema-Cannes, IDFAcademy, Dok.Incubator, Campus Latino/Documentary Campus, EAVE Puentes, GoodPitch, Tribeca-TFI Network, and IFP Documentary Week. 

Nicolas is a member of EAVE, the Colombian Film Academy, Global Impact Producers, Cinema 23 and the Collective Change Lab Community of Practice. 

IG: @elnicotropico