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Madeleine Leroyer

Refugee Crisis and Immigration, Economic Injustice, Human Rights
Impact Producing, Impact Strategist/Advisor
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Madeleine Leroyer is a French filmmaker and impact producer. Her debut documentary called #387 premiered at IDFA2019. #387 is the starting point of an international campaign called #numbersintonames #unnompourchacun designed at helping families of missing migrants reunite with their loved ones through search and identification efforts. The campaign is supported by several NGOs and funds (La Cimade, SOS Méditerranée, OAK Foundation, Robert Bosch Stiftung). One of its core projects is a mobile cinema with the families of missing migrants. The first edition took place in Senegal in June 2022. #numbersintonames' strategy was nurtured by Doc Society and pitched at Good Pitch Europe 2018. With #387, Madeleine participated in the 2018 Accelerator Lab (Chicken&Egg Pictures). With her producer, Valérie Montmartin, head of Little Big Story, Madeleine is actively working on bringing impact tools to the French-speaking documentary scene. A member of the Impact Social Club, Madeleine regularly consults on other projects (FIPADOC Impact Days 2020 and 2021, FIFDH Impact Day 2020, Sunny Side of the Doc, 2022) and attends panels and workshops (Generation Africa 2022, Sarajevo Film Festival 2022).