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Linda bilal

Child Welfare, Racial Injustice, Gun Violence, Refugee Crisis and Immigration, Women and Girls
Campaign Implementation, Designing impact guides, Alternative Distribution
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Linda Bilal Journalist & radio programmer, trainer, broadcaster BIO Linda Bilal, is a journalist, column writer and broadcaster. Director of the Audio Section with the Syrian Female Journalists Network "SFJN". She has taken many training courses in audio and written media, the news editor, project management, and courses on the professional integrity of journalists in war. And worked as a trainer for the provision of written and audio productions in the ASML association for women journalists& correspondents in Syria. She created “The Syria podcast”, and act in many Syrian series podcasts, such as (The Impossible Stage) with Mena prison forum and (the Clerk) with Heinrich Böll Stiftung, she started a fellowship study with Beirut DC Learning to create influence and advocate campaigns Acted in many radio series, including "The Clerk" in two series The series "The Impossible stage" The series "Ali Barr Al-Sham" EXPERIENCE 2022 Fellowship with Beirut DC “For Making Impact Campaigns” 2021 Create a podcast "Jaduleh" & Training of the podcast staff "the Clerk" with the German organization “Heinrichbel” 2020 voice over for many channels like “ Alaan. Aljazera documentary” 2020 Create a podcast “ Syria podcast” 2018-2019 Preparing the content of Directory of Syrians in the Netherlands. Writing news in Arabic and topics about integration and laws in the Netherlands and posting them on the Facebook page of Arabic speakers 2018 -2019 Columnist in Amnesty monthly magazine Until now. 2019 Writing and voicing reports to TV channels and radio about a gender media content production” TSN” company This report is prepared and voted by Linda Bilal 2016-2019 Director of the Audio Section with the "Syrian female Journalists Network" Member of PEN Netherlands.