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Lina Kabbadj

United Kingdom, New Zealand
English, French
Climate Change, Economic Injustice, Animal Welfare, Human Rights
Impact Strategist/Advisor
Cultural/racial identity:
North African & European
Self identification:


Documentary, Impact & Systems Change Researcher & Facilitator / Short Film Director / Co-Organiser at Filmmakers for Future: Wildlife

I am currently in Aotearoa New Zealand, prioritising ocean time but also open to learning from/with impact practitioners. I'm particularly interested in human-nature relations (beyond this separation), the role of embodied practices in realising the worlds that we want and in impact field-building.

I previously shared my professional time between media work and facilitating the co-creation of a new editorial culture in Film and TV. In particular, I helped coordinate the industry-specific grassroots movement Filmmakers for Future: Wildlife (, including to develop a workshop series on impact production in partnership with Project Impact ( My last role was in development and as an impact researcher at the Bristol-based production company See Through Stories.