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Kirsten Slemint

Australia, United Kingdom
Climate Change, Education, Hunger/Food insecurity, Women and Girls, Animal Welfare
Educational materials, Impact Producing, Consulting, Impact Strategist/Advisor, Alternative Distribution
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A scientist, journalist and filmmaker, Kirsty Slemint (she/her) has a keen and curious eye for story. She is a Director, Producer, Cinematographer, and Impact Producer. Her work tends to explore the intersections between people and nature, and is driven by social impact outcomes.

Kirsty is the Director and Impact Producer of BAFTA, Oscars and Grierson-nominated Burnt Country (2024) which celebrates the profound knowledge and wisdom of First Nations through the practice of cultural burning in Australia, and the Director and Producer of HaMidbar (2023), an award-winning natural history film set in the deserts of Israel.

For the better part of 2024, Kirsty has been working as Associate Impact Producer for London/Seattle based agency, Project Impact with clients including National Geographic, Plimsoll Productions, Terra Mater Factual Studios, American Wild Horse Conservation, and Protect the Arctic. Kirsty also has experience in fundraising, research, marketing, graphic design, events, and management. She is a qualified rescue diver, underwater camera operator, drone pilot, heavy machine operator, coxswain, and is trained in medical and mental health first-aid.

A filmmaker, and human multi-tool in the making !