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Katie Solito

United States
Education, Mass Incarceration & Criminal Justice Reform, Economic Injustice, Women and Girls
Educational materials, Impact Producing, Campaign Implementation, Crafting Classroom Materials
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Katie Solito is an accomplished educator, with fifteen years of experience in diverse public high schools and adult education settings. Holding a Masters in Secondary English Education, Katie brings her knowledge of curriculum design, learner theory, and engagement strategy to the impact space. Hailing from the South, Katie has the gift of gab and an understanding of folks from all political persuasions. She is excited to further her reach beyond the classroom by supporting activism and outreach for issue driven films. Katie brings an efficient yet thorough research style, web and graphic design skills and discerning judgment to each project she pursues. A news hound and voracious reader, she is keenly interested in exploring the larger cultural and geopolitical forces that shape the everyday. Katie has worked on the impact campaign for the Emmy Award winning documentary BELLY OF THE BEAST as well as developing curriculum and outreach strategy for the docudrama INTO DUST and producing a general and college campus guide for BATTLEGROUND and coordinating the theatrical rollout. With the filmmakers of JACK HAS A PLAN, she created and implemented a campaign to destigmatize discussions of death and bring medical aid in dying legislation to more regions in the US, informed by practitioners working in the death doula space. She currently supports the team at Red Owl Partners and is open to freelance projects. Email: Website: