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Kathy Leichter

United States
Climate Change, Racial Injustice, Gun Violence, Mass Incarceration & Criminal Justice Reform, Economic Injustice, Labor issues, Women and Girls
Impact Producing, Consulting, Impact Strategist/Advisor, Campaign Implementation, Mentorship, Impact evaluation
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Kathy Leichter is an award-winning documentary producer, director, engagement strategist and impact producer with over thirty years of working in film and television. She has extensive experience designing and implementing successful outreach and engagement campaigns for documentaries and has produced over 1000 impact events (in-person and virtual) across the country on issues including racial and economic justice, climate change, mental health, women, civil discourse, juvenile justice, and Jewish identity. Leichter directed and produced A Day’s Work, A Day’s Pay, in association with the Independent Television Service, which follows three welfare recipients in New York City, and designed and directed the film’s 5-year audience engagement campaign. Her most recent film, Here One Day, about mental illness and suicide in Leichter’s family, premiered at IDFA, won Best Documentary and the Jury Prize at the Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival, and is now the centerpiece of a national screening initiative that Leichter designed and currently directs. For more information on Leichter’s work as an engagement strategist and impact producer please go to: