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Jamie Berger

United States
Climate Change, Racial Injustice, Hunger/Food insecurity, Economic Injustice, Labor issues, Animal Welfare, Human Rights
Educational materials, Impact Producing, Campaign Implementation
Cultural/racial identity:
White queer cisgender American woman
Self identification:
Cisgender woman


Jamie Berger is a documentary filmmaker and writer born and raised in North Carolina. Her first feature documentary, The Smell of Money, which focuses on a North Carolina community fighting the pork industry’s environmental racism, has screened at over two dozen film festivals and has won several awards, including landing as the top five audience favorite at Hot Docs, North America’s largest documentary film festival. She is currently leading the impact campaign for the film and has had the honor of facilitating more than 20 screenings (with dozens more planned!) for frontline communities, grassroots advocates, students, policymakers, and the general public. Jamie’s writing and videos have been featured in outlets such as Vox, The Guardian, USA Today, NowThis, The News & Observer, and more. While creating The Smell of Money, Jamie also worked as a nonprofit program director and chief of staff. Throughout her career, Jamie has used writing and visual storytelling to draw attention to issues ranging from environmental racism to the climate crisis to other injustices wrought against people, animals, and the planet.