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David Donner Castro
- Languages:
- English, Portuguese, Spanish
- Issues:
- Climate Change, Human Rights
- Expertise:
- Impact Producing, Impact Strategist/Advisor, Campaign Implementation
- Cultural/racial identity:
- mixed race
- Self identification:
- *
Mexican - Argentinian Filmmaker (ENAC-UNAM) and Anthropologist specialized in Communitary FIlmmaking and Transmedia . Co-Founder of Espora (2012) and FICCTerra (Festival Itinerante de Cine Comunitario de la Tierra, 2018). I have worked in all main areas of cinematic and audiovisual production,Directing, Producing, CInephotography, Sound, Writing, Editing, Mixing and Colour Correction in diverse proyects in Argentina, México, Nicaragua, Panamá and the Netherlands. Member of the Latin American and Caribean Communitary Filmaking Network since 2017. Collaborator of the Transdisciplinary Node of the Social-Ecosistems and Sustainability network of CONACYT. Nominee to Golden Sun Price at FICMA-MX in 2018 with the short-film “The Battle of the Reefs at Veracruz”, made in collaboration with Mexican Centre for Enviromental Rights CEMDA and Greenpeace. Nowadays I lead Cine de la Cuenca: Unidos por el Agua (Basin Films), an iniciative to form new audiences, educate and create films and audiovisual narratives to form an aliance through transformative art and socialenviromental justice between young filmmakers and artists from rural and urban communities with a biocultural approach. I want to enhance this proyect through impact producing. My work is based on Art, Memory, Identity, Territory, and Communitary Filmmaking.